* Last update: 16 April, 1996








Registration Form


Instruction for Submission of Net Registration and Reservation Form

If you did not receive the regular "Registration and Reservation Form", get this "Net Registration and Reservation Form". If you have a NETSCAPE browser, your commands are for getting: File...Save As.....

The form is for one delegate and his/her accompanying guest. Please note that a Registration form received without the payment does not constitute registration.

Do not delete any part of document! Please read carefully the form before completing. Please type capital letters and mark accurately "( )" -> "(x)".

Deadline of early registration has changed: 20 May 1996.

Please return this form by e-mail to:
* Congress Department, TENSI Tours,
* tensi96@hungary.net

The text of "Subject" should be: - ICSEB-V. / -R



Instruction for participants from former socialist countries

If you are from former socialist countries, do not complete this "Net Registration and Reservation Form". Send us an e-mail letter including your full postal and e-mail address, so we will give you the necessary information for the registration.
* Address: Congress Department, TENSI Tours,
* tensi96@hungary.net

The text of "Subject" should be: - ICSEB-V. / - RFS






Instruction for Submission of Net Abstract Form

If you did not receive the regular "Abstract Form", get this "Net Abstract Form". If you have a NETSCAPE browser, your commands are for getting: File...Save As.....

The purpose of an abstract is to briefly summarize the content of your paper or poster. Prepare it therefore carefully; it may be primary reason others will want to hear your paper or look at your poster.

Abstract must be written in English. Proper grammar, standard format, appearence and scientific rigor will be considered in the abstract review process. Abstracts should be informative yet concise. Concentrate on results and conclusions. Avoid Jargon. The title should summarise the poster's content. A good title is concise, clearly identifies the subject and purpose of the study, includes key words, excludes articles ("a", "the") as much as possible.

Do not delete any part of document! Please read carefully the form before completing. Mark accurately "( )" -> "(x)".

List surname first for each author followed by a comma and the initials of the first names. Omit titles and degrees. In case of multiple authors insert an asterisk (*) after the name of the person presenting the lecture. In case of multiple authors are from different institutions, use superscript numbers to identify each author's address (institution, city and country).

Compose your body text no longer 15 lines.

Deadline for receipt of abstract has changed: 20 May, 1996. Abstracts received after 20 May, 1996 will not to be considered for presentation.

Submit the copy of your abstract by e-mail to:
* Eörs Szathmáry
* Collegium Budapest
* szathmary@zeus.colbud.hu

The text of "Subject" should be: - ICSEB-V. / - A